
The Sun to Her Moon

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

The sun was as warm and bright as the demeanor of the one who gleefully looked toward it on a pleasant Sunday afternoon. This one who appeared to be but a ten year old child adjusted the headband resting upon her well styled crimson hair, ensuring that the yellow hibiscus flower decoration on the side of the headband was properly displayed. Her eyes of glistening gold gazed in awe at the glittering ocean in the distance.

The ocean's waves were nearly unnoticeable, and although it would have normally disappointed young Pyana, she was enthralled by the visuals regardless. It didn't matter either way, as today was not a day to ride the waves. Instead she turned to bypass the beach, heading back to the streets that separated her from her destination.

With each step she took, the light clapping of yellow sandals resounded around her. They were much more elegant than the athletic pair she typically wore, with a heel raised slightly less than an inch and a yellow ribbon adorning the front straps. Identical ribbons rested on her shoulders, adding a cute touch to the sleeveless yellow sundress she was wearing. Even her nails were decorated for the occasion, matching the aforementioned flower, dress and sandals.

Trotting at a pleasant pace, Pyana took in the sights, sounds and scents of the world she had called her home. It still took getting used to, waking up to find that no sun would ever rise, no clouds would blanket the sky. She had to admit that the world she now called her home was rather dull.

But of course she had one very special reason for choosing that realm as her domain, and as she came upon a shady park, that reason was immediately spotted. “Ehe~” Pyana let out a little giggle as she made her approach, taking in the visual that brought great warmth to her heart.

“...You're late.” A ghostly whisper wafted into the redhead's ears as the figure clad in an extravagant, frilly black dress came around from the side of the tree she had been using to avoid drawing attention to herself. It was a difficult task to manage when she was so very dolled up. Her puffy black hair was decorated with a frilly ribbon, and her knees were partially concealed by the fluffy mass known as a petticoat. Black sandals fastened on by many ribbons adorned feet that were further decorated by black nail polish.

Pyana giggled nervously as she rubbed the back of her head, recalling that she had gotten caught up in admiring the ocean. She eagerly stepped forward and planted an innocent peck on the cheek of the one who had waited so patiently for her. Though trying to remain composed, one could see that Lurella was growing flustered. “...It's embarrassing.” She murmured as her sparkling amethyst eyes scanned the area, relieved to see no one else looking in their direction.

A gentle cooing sound emerged from the young redhead as a subtle expression of how much she was internally gushing over this display. She couldn't help but find it adorable, watching her girlfriend of roughly five years looking so bashful. It was difficult to contain the urge to outwardly express this beyond the tiny squeaking sound that passed her lips.

The pair walked side-by-side along the concrete path, eyes scrolling about the trees and noting that they were entering the early stages of shifting color. “I guess the sweltering oppression that is Summer is finally behind us. Such a relief.” Lurella closed her eyes and took note of the refreshing breeze flowing around her. It had been a while since she had felt such a calming sensation from this world of human beings, where the weather did not feel as though it was making an attempt on her life.

“Bah..” Pyana's head darted aside dismissively, feelingly slightly disappointed with the loss of her such tropical weather. For her there were few greater joys than the warm sensation of basking in the sun, a joy she could seldom share with her often-secluded sweetheart.

Even their choices of attire expressed the contrasting differences between them. Though Pyana did well to present herself as primped up, her attire and hairstyle were still very casual and modest. Lurella on the other hand took the utmost effort to ensure that she was as posh as a porcelain doll. Her attire was of the sort that would be absolute torture for her carefree cupcake to be stuffed into.

The two had been enjoying their pleasant walk through the park for roughly ten minutes before an action of pure chance planted an idea in Pyana's mind. She felt a soft texture bump against her hand and quickly identified it as Lurella's own. The darker toned right hand recoiled away from the silky left hand that had nudged into it and began to shift about pensively.

“So... I've been thinking.” Lurella began as she gazed up at the tree tops, seemingly speaking while lost in thought. “Do you ever feel-” A bright red washed across her face as her entire being tensed. Her eyes immediately flung to her left hand and noted that it was clasped affectionately in Pyana's right. “W-What are you doing?” She asked incredulously in a hushed tone. “Here? Now? In front of all these people? Are you trying to kill me?”

This bombardment of questions was responded to with a simple smile. “Shh...” Pyana made a gentle, reassuring expression, as she raised Lurella's hand up and cradled it affectionately in both hands. She locked eyes with her precious princess, trying to convey that Lurella should simply focus on her and block out the rest of the world.

The girl clad in black hesitated for a moment, before relenting. “I-It's not like I care what these people think.” She muttered, mostly to herself as she turned away from Pyana while still allowing her hand to be clutched. “At least no one we know is around.” She said aloud as she began to shuffle closer toward the little redhead, as if trying to mask the hand-holding between their bodies.

The jingling of a bell reached the ears of the petite couple, grabbing attention and setting it upon the roving ice cream cart that was making the sound. It was stationed across from a trio of benches, strategically positioned in order for customers to relax on the benches immediately after purchasing. “...Ice cream?” These words emerged so softly and suddenly that it took Pyana a second to realize they came in the form of an offer.

“A-Ah.” Pyana's audible oddities emerged in a pleasant tone as she dismissed the idea of sitting down to ice cream at the park. “Hee~” She grinned gleefully as she tugged Lurella closer, eagerly awaiting the reveal of what she preceived to be a better idea.

The moment the door was pushed open, Lurella's nose wrinkled as the smell of deep fried fat and grilled meat surged through it. She wondered if she might faint or be forced to retreat from this scent that was alien to her. “For what reason have we come to this substandard eatery?” A slightly haughty tone emerged from her throat as she gazed around at the people with their trays filled with grease boiled sticks of potato and meat sandwiches dripping with tomato blood.

Pyana let out a content sigh as she breathed in the scene of grilled and fried bliss. She put on a reassuring smile as she guided Lurella over toward a table that was off to the side of the building, directly beside the kitchen on the other side of the wall. She gently guided her princess into a booth that could sit a family of four. Thankfully the restaurant wasn't packed, otherwise she might feel guilty about not choosing to sit on a bar stool in front of a table that was barely big enough for two people and positioned dead center in the restaurant. “Ehe~” She extended an index finger as she put on a bright grin, asking for her Gothic-garbed girlfriend to wait a moment before rushing off to make an order.

Lurella's chin rested on a single fist as she waited patiently for Pyana to return. She wondered what sort of sizzling, greasy thing that girl was going to treat her to. I supposed I shouldn't complain. She thought to herself as she gazed out the window with a deadpan expression. This is so un-romantic it won't likely stand out too much.

The moment she heard approaching footsteps from behind, she glanced over her shoulder expecting to see Pyana returning with a tray of greasy food. Instead she came face to face with a sight that froze her.

“Ah-” Startled hands gripped the tray, refusing to let it fall despite the shock endured. “W-What are you doing here?” Clad in a purple jacket over a lighter colored midriff baring t-shirt, dark purple pants and matching sneakers, the familiar face of Tsu-maru Annaii greeted Lurella as she turned.

“I could ask you the same question, Ms. Vegetarian.” Lurella quipped as she scooted closer to the edge of the booth, so she could talk in a quieter tone.

A mountain ketchup was sitting on the wrapper that had formerly contained a double cheeseburger, while a small carton of french fries sat waiting to be bathed in the former. “W-Well I don't eat meat most of the time...” Tsu-maru stammered, struggling to come up with an excuse for why she was breaking her supposed stance against eating such foods. “M-M-More importantly what are YOU doing here?” Utter failure emerged from her lips as she tried to press the issue of why the prim and proper princess would be at such an establishment. “This kind of restaurant is the last place I'd expect to see you.”

“Clearly you've forgotten the company I keep.” Lurella muttered as she referenced her bacon-loving beau. “Such company that you apparently missed coming over here. She just went to get... something.” The princess in the ponytail explained as she looked behind the seat she was sitting at, wondering when Pyana would return.

“Pya's here? Oh no...” Tsu-maru muttered as she kept her eyes locked on the central area of the restaurant, trying to spot the return of her tropical island native cousin. “She'd never let me live it down.” Tsu-maru muttered as she clutched the tray close to her, trying to make it less noticeable. “I was never here!” Tsu-maru uttered suddenly as she swiftly ducked behind the booth across from Lurella's view.

“...Right.” Lurella muttered as she continued to wait for Pyana's return. When she did make her way back to the table, Lurella was greeted by a single object being set dramatically on the table in front of her. “...This?” She questioned aloud as she examined the cup of chilly drink that was placed before her. It was yellowish-orange and the clear plastic cup gave no indication of the contents.

Pyana promptly seated herself directly next to Lurella and popped a straw into the large-sized container. She gestured toward it, directing Lurella to give it a try. Taking the container in hand, Lurella took a sip from the straw and found her taste buds being graced by an appealing, tropical flavor, along with very tiny chunks of ice. “It's quite good. What is it?” Lurella questioned as she examined the container for any clues that could indicate the nature of the beverage. “It tastes a bit like mango, but different.”

“Piii~” Pyana chirped as she used her hands to make a sign. Her thumbs and index fingers came together to form an oval, while the remaining digits splayed outward slightly, taking on the distinctive shape of her trademark favorite food.

“Oh? Pineapple?” Lurella responded, recognizing the sign as the second love of her sweetheart. “A mango/pineapple beverage huh?” She questioned aloud as she took another sip. Well it is perfect for us.” She glanced aside and began to mutter to herself. “I just wish we could have come to a better restaurant.”

She turned her attention back to the drink before her and then to Pyana. “Wait a minute. You only bought one?” She noticed that it was a rather large drink, but still assumed that only one person would be having it. “Oh no.” It was then that she realized what was going to happen.

And it was indeed happening. “You can't be serious.” Lurella muttered as she noted the grin on Pyana's face. Then she saw it, the item emerge from the pocket of Pyana's sundress. A second straw burst through the paper covering before being planted in the lid of the container before the couple. “Too far. Much too far.” Lurella muttered as she scooted away from the drink. “There's no way I can do that.” She spoke in a hushed tone, trying not to alert attention.

She turned toward Pyana in an attempt to ensure that this had to be some sort of jest. Instead she was greeted with a sign that the little redhead was absolutely serious about this. “Don't you flash bedroom eyes at me.” Lurella muttered as she witnessed the coquettish display before her. “I'm serious. There's no way-” Her mouth clamped shut when she recalled that a certain someone was seated in the booth directly in front of her, and was no doubt hearing this.

She kept her eyes trained on the booth above while trying to cope with having the personification of sunny warmth nuzzling against her, trying to coax her into playing out an outdated romantic gesture. It seemed that the pigtailed pest was going to wait until the two departed from the restaurant to come out of hiding, so Lurella was certain she could give Pyana just a little treat.

She silently raised her hand and made a gesture, holding her thumb and index fingers just a tiny bit apart. “Eeh~” This was responded to with a pleasant chirp and both palms coming together in sheer elation. She wasted no time in closing the gap of personal space, nestling herself directly beside Lurella as she pulled the straw close enough that the two could savor it together.

One could see the red clearly seeping into Lurella's cheeks as she felt this affectionate presence directly against her. Before she could make a move, she saw Pyana raise a hand and grasp the further straw and extend it toward Lurella's lips. A faint disgruntled murmur emerged from Lurella as she accepted the straw, while Pyana gleefully took the other into her lips.

This is... actually kind of nice. Lurella thought to herself as embarrassment seeped away, finding herself lulled by the affectionate gesture she was sharing with the one she adored. Her tense eyes softened into a dreamy expression as she reciprocated the leaning against one's lover. She had to admit it was rather cozy being in this position with someone who cared enough about her that she would not only willingly do this, but want to. It wasn't until she caught sight of something creeping up from the seat in front of her that the moment of contentment came to an abrupt end.

“...Aww....” Tsu-maru did her best to keep quiet as she peered from over the back of her seat. She couldn't help but vocalize how adorable she found this display to be. The very thought had made her so jittery that she couldn't sit still, and simply had to see what they were up to. “If only I had brought my camera...”

Immediately upon spotting the intruder on their moment, Lurella recoiled away from the drink and decided in one quick session to out Tsu-maru to her cousin. “Go back to your burger you pretentious hippie.” Her palms forcefully descended upon the table as she locked eyes with the pigtailed girl, who immediately recoiled behind her side of the booth just in time for Pyana to rise up above her in order to catch her in the act.

“Ah!” Pyana cheered as she knelt on the seat across from where she and Lurella had been sitting, and pointed accusingly at the half-eaten hamburger sitting on the tray in front of her supposed vegetarian cousin. “Ah Ah...” A coy smirk crept onto her face as she abandoned her mortified girlfriend to engage in some friendly teasing of the cousin who used to tell her all about how wrong it is to kill innocent animals simply to enjoy the taste of meat.

By the time the pair returned to their home in the realm of the Dark Fairy race, the sun had already began to set. A mentally exhausted Lurella slowly descended into a bat tub that appeared to be made of pure, perfectly cut crystal. She let out a weary sigh as she submerged up to her shoulders in the pink liquid bearing many rose petals floating on the surface.

“That was a disaster...” She muttered as she recalled thinking earlier how fortunate the two had been to have not been seen by anyone familiar to them. It seemed that the world enjoyed playing tricks on her, and conspired to make her eat her words.

Already present in the tub was a little lady who was happy to get her hair wet and disheveled. The messy mop of crimson seemed to symbolize her carefree nature and having it styled and contained was a perfect representation of feeling that freedom being restricted.

“Aah-haaah~” She cooed as she let go of the rim of the tub and sunk into the water, only to emerge from the center of the tub, where she rested her back and elbows against one of the wider ends, and propped her feet on the opposite side. Though Pyana was not much for living in the lap of luxury, she did find bliss in a cozy soak in the tub after a long day of fun.

Lurella was seated with her back to one of the narrow ends of the tub, where she often placed herself when she wanted to be pampered by a squadron of attendants. Her arms remained in her lap, her legs bent at the knees, feet to the floor of the tub. “There is something I was going to ask you earlier.” She began, recalling the interruption that had taken place when her hand was snagged at the park.

Pyana's gaze moved from the ceiling of the room, over to the girl who was curled up in a ball off to the side of the tub. “Do you...” The dark haired girl began as she gazed awkwardly at the water before her. “I know you just got back from visiting your folks... Do you ever feel like you'd be happier living there? O-Or perhaps back in the human realm?”

It was hard to see those eyes of gold with the dripping mop of crimson falling in front of them, but she assumed that those eyes were locked directly on her. She couldn't began to grasp what emotions were conveyed in those eyes as she waited for a response. “Ah..” Pyana extended a hand, looking quite solemn as she dangled it above the water, palm facing upward.

Unsure of what Pyana was getting at, Lurella merely extended her own hand to take the one offered. Before she could even rest her palm against Pyana's, her wrist was snared and she found herself being yanked closer. “Wha-!” She uttered in surprise as her body came to a stop directly beside Pyana, facing the same side as her. She found herself being held close, nestled against and comforted by the knowledge that the two were alone.

“I know the whole tropical island scenario doesn't suit me at all. I wonder if I would be completely miserable living there... I suppose I could set up a house, with plenty of protection from the sun, or perhaps-” The very instant she spoke these words, a sudden drilling into her bar stomach provoked a horrendous shriek from the young princess. “NIIIYIIIHIHII!!” She jumped and began attempting to scramble away, but failed to realize that her legs were now locked in Pyana's own. “What are you-STAHAHAHAAPP!”

Water splashed about as Lurella desperately struggled to escape the sensation pinching and prodding at her pudgy and sensitive stomach. The redhead's nimble fingers could easily grip the more gooey sections of the area, sending surges of ticklish horror into her, as well as a painful reminder of why she wanted to lose weight. “Get offa-meheheheee!!” Lurella's legs emerged from the tub as she found herself caught in a snuggle-hold of ticklish doom. Her feet dangled in the air, flailing about as she fought in vain to escape the grasp of her vastly more athletic sweetheart.

Before she even realized the sensation had stopped, Lurella found herself being pulled up, being saved from submerging her head in the water. She was greeted to a firm expression being cast upon her, and a single index finger wagging in front of her. Pyana quickly changed her expression to a mischievous grin as she pointed down toward Lurella's stomach, before forming a heart with her hands.

“I see...” Lurella muttered as she turned and rested her back against the tub again. “I'm sorry I've been such an insecure little sad-sack.” She said softly as she leaned against Pyana beside her. “I promise... I'll be more confident, and never doubt that you really do love me... or my stomach shall receive such a sensation again.” Lurella's hands submerged and came to rest upon her stomach, partly to soothe it, and also to guard against further attacks.

Suddenly she felt an object slip under her ankles and nudge them upward. They emerged from the water courtesy of Pyana's own legs and came to a rest on the rim of the tub, leaving the princess's bare feet to be affectionately nuzzled by the chocolate toned pair that quickly took to their side.

The content smile on Pyana's face expressed satisfaction that her demands were heard and would be obeyed. Though Pyana did miss greeting the sunlight in the morning, she had another source of great bliss to awaken to lying beside her every day. “By the way...” Lurella's words were so soft that Pyana was certain they were coming from someone who was seconds shy of falling asleep. “The truth is... I was actually trying first.... to hold your hand.”

This revelation brought back a recollection of when her hand had surprisingly nudged against Lurella's by what seemed like sheer accident. “I was so nervous...” She admitted as she nestled her sopping locks of raven against the crimson mop beside her. “Then you suddenly grabbed mine and... I have to admit it was impressive. How you did that without any hesitation.”

Pyana shook her head softly in response to this claim, knowing well that she had indeed been nervous. But at the same time she felt that the bond was strong enough between the two that it would be reciprocated. She nestled herself closer and released a soft coo in a tone that sounded sad, or regretful.

Lurella picked up on the latter and realized that Pyana was trying to apologize for pushing embarrassing affections on her. “No no. It's alright. Sorry I’m such a stick in the mud.” She reassured as she reached her farther hand over and cradled the cheek farther from her sweetheart. “Now it's my turn to make a move.” She said softly as she nudged Pyana's cheek until the two were facing each other, and let her lips gently embrace those of the girl who made her every day sunny and warm.

“By the way...” These words emerged once the pair was descending upon the door to the bedroom they both shared. They came from the lips of the young princess clad in a long sleeved lavender nightgown, which bore white frills around the hem surrounding each wrist and swaying around her ankles. Her hair washed over her shoulders, free of its trademark ponytail. “While you were gone I had a little renovating done to the bedroom.”

Pyana's nightwear was much more modest by comparison. It comprised of little more than a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. They were of a calming blue color, signifying that her warm and sunny personality was cooling down and that she was ready to drift to into a pleasant night's sleep.

As the door slowly drew open, the pair emerged in the south-west corner of the room. ”I think it's much cozier now.” Lurella's soft words emerged with the reveal of the new interior. The first thing Pyana noticed was that the desk typically found directly across from them and just a few steps from the balcony was missing. A quick shift to the left and she located it situated within a new partition of wall that had emerged since last she arrived. It gave Lurella's crafting space a very compact look, like a secret cubby-hole she could retreat to and be closed in from all but one side.

“Ah~?” She gazed in utter shock as she took in the fact that the bed was now missing and that a ladder was situated against the partition. She climbed up the ladder and confirmed that the bed was now directly above Lurella's desk. Audible expressions of surprise and amazement emerged from the little redhead as she eagerly examined the new setting in which the two would be spending every night.

“Now you can nag me to come to bed, from the comfort of the bed itself.” Lurella explained as she seated herself in her chair and moved it out of the corner. She spun around and gazed up to greet the smiling face of someone who was immediately enthralled with the changes.

“But wait. There's more.” Lurella declared as she approached the ladder herself and began to make her way up. “At least getting into bed will require some exercise..” This whimsical remark earned a giggle from the little redhead who waited eagerly for the next surprise. With the bed in its current position, the ceiling was close enough that both could touch it simply by standing up on their knees, much too close to stand up.

It was easy to notice the smile creeping onto Lurella's face as she began to make preparations. She cast the blanket aside and squired hers and Pyana's pillows. She placed Pyana's pillow at the opposite end of the bed and sat up against the wall directly above her desk. “If you want to see it, lie down and hand them over.” She instructed as she placed her own pillow on her lap.

“Ehe...” The message was clear, and Pyana was perfectly willing to do as told. She took a few seconds to get herself comfortable, resting her head on her pillow before extending her legs and letting her bare feet come to rest upon the pillow waiting in her sweetheart's lap.

Having little chance of hiding her smile was these cocoa-toned tootsies were presented to her, Lurella surrendered any hopes of hiding it and proceeded to let her hands lovingly caress every inch of their toasty, silky texture. “Hmmm. These are mine, yes?” She cooed as she held both ankles in her left hand and began to lightly tickle away at both soles at once. “I have full authority and control over them? I could just do this all day and you could never refuse?”

“Ehe~ Ahaha~” Pyana did her best to keep her feet in place as her sweetheart's soft touches reduced them to twitching and wiggling about. Her hands came to rest atop above a delightful grin as she nodded eagerly, signaling that she surrendered full control over her feet to the one who also held such power over her heart. Pure happiness was so visibly expressed on her face that Lurella was slightly concerned that her girlfriend might burst, possible into flames.

It was already no secret to her that Lurella could spend hours tickling and teasing these sensitive soles and Pyana would be powerless to stop it whether she was restrained or not. Her will to continue feeling the rare affection of her introverted sweetheart could overpower any reflexive desires to escape. “Eeeehehe~” Regardless, uttering these words and receiving confirmation was an occasional act that transpired between the two, serving to amplify the happiness of both partners, who always agreed to the terms. Both feet merely wiggled about her princess began to swirl a single index finger in little circles around each sole. “Aha~”

“Perhaps I should develop an insignia for myself, that I would emblazon upon the soles of these precious feet.” Lurella pondered aloud as she pondered what such an emblem would be like, and began to trace hypothetical designs across the wiggling canvases before her. She set them down on the cushion again and captured the toes of one foot in both hands, proceeding to wiggle them around and examine them, while continuing to reduce their former-owner to a mess of gushing and giggling.

Though she could normally handle being tickled at very intense levels, Pyana was absolutely unable to keep still when such playful, affectionate touches were applied with the addition of such teasing and taunting words. Pyana was absolutely submissive to Lurella's every whim in this state, and was gripping the pillow and squirming about in sheer elation. “Eheheee-hee~”

The toes that were free from Lurella's grasp wiggled about, commanding enough notice that they were soon captured themselves. “Perhaps I should wrap you up all snuggly and spend the next three hours pampering these feet with feathers, brushes and other such tools?” To Lurella's surprise, the response for this statement was a gleeful shaking of the head, followed by a raising of both hands.

“I'm really doing well with just my hands?” Lurella questioned. She was certain that the teachings of affection had not yet made their mark, but as Pyana's previous reactions and current eager nodding proved, she was far happier when the gentle hands of her beloved were in constant contact with her feet. “I see. So you would prefer I use my hands. Well what about... this?” With these words her hands grasped the right foot and raised it up to her face. She made sure Pyana got a good look at what was about to happen before letting her lips descend upon it the ball of the foot.

“Ehe~” A light pecking sound emerged as she felt the tender display of affection upon her sensitive sole. “Hee~” She formed a heart with her hands and let herself relax in order to enjoy whatever else her princess had in store for her. Giggling, wiggling, squirming and grinning were the constant displays from Pyana as she savored every second her feet were captive in Lurella's grasp.

It wasn't until she recalled the reason why she had put herself in this position that she spoke up. “Ahaha-Ah! Ah! Ahahaaa~!” She exclaimed as she raised her arms and waved them. This ushered Lurella to stop tickling away at the squirming feet, which quickly recoiled when the red haired girl sat up. “Ah-aah~?” She shrugged her shoulders and gave Lurella a perplexed stare, wondering where the extra surprise was.

“Oh right. I forgot about that.” Lurella bashfully admitted as she realized she had gotten side-tracked by the precious warmth she had been cradling in her hands. “The extra little thing I was going to show you... will have to wait until tomorrow. Because I'm sleepy. Goodnight.” As she let herself lie back with her head on the pillow, she knew she wasn't fooling anyone. The only surprise was how remarkably quick Pyana would pounce.

Her eyes eagerly jolted open as she found Pyana kneeling directly over her, grinning down at her with such a playful expression that she knew malice was hidden behind it. “W-What? Can't you see that I'm sleeping?” Lurella's phony politeness only served to extend the game between the two. “Settle down and let me-BIIIHIHIHII!!”

Wasting little time in getting straight to the point, Pyana let her hands swiftly come down upon the soft nightgown, rapidly skittering about the princess's concealed stomach. “Ihihihiiiii~! N-No you were supposed to go aftahahahaaaa~!!” She kicked her legs in the air and frantically wiggled her feet about, trying to draw Pyana's attention to them.

Being unable to be further bargained with, Pyana merely continued her attack, fending off Lurella's attempts to block access to her stomach while poking, pinching and wiggling away at any spot she could. She had enough experience with this area to know that Lurella was especially sensitive not on her sides, or the navel, but directly between them on either side. It was this weakness that she adamantly exploited until she was satisfied. She did not stop after Lurella surrendered, but extended the torture until she felt Lurella had learned her lesson.

“C-Come on..” Lurella whimpered as tears began to form in her eyes. She lay on her side in a mess of waning giggles, while her body twitched from the sensation that had surged through it. “I said I'd show you...”

Pyana grinned victoriously as she rolled Lurella onto her back and placed her hands on the weak spots that were concealed beneath the nightgown. “I-I will! Come ooon!” Lurella spoke in a hurried tone as she sat up and quickly moved so as to avoid further punishment. She picked up Pyana's pillow and set it beside her own. “Come. Lie down. I promise, for real this time.”

When her pineapple gobbling paramour did the same, Lurella moved a curtain that concealed the entire sleeping area. She then set her attention toward what Pyana thought was an ordinary dome encasing a light bulb in the center of the bed area's ceiling. One tiny sample of psychic powers triggered the dome and revealed its fantastic secret.

“Ooooh...” Pyana gazed in complete wonder as she saw that the walls and ceiling were now completely covered in a dazzling array of stars. It was a breathtaking moment the likes of which most human children only experienced in theme parks. Now this wondrous display would greet her every time she went to bed?

Lurella herself was quite awestruck by the display she had requested put into her room. She hadn't gotten a chance to look at it herself, so she was just as much surprised. She was so distracted by the display that the sudden tugging of her arm caught her by surprise. She came down upon the bed and found herself being smothered with warm kisses. “Aah! Come on! Settle down!” Lurella cried out as she found herself helpless to stop her face from being tortured by the endless barrage of kisses. “Ehehenough already!”

Once she finally got Pyana to calm down, the two found themselves neglecting sleep in order to lie next to each other underneath the stars. Lurella's right hand was gently clasped in Pyana's left as the two remained nestled together for hours on end. At the opposite end of the bed, their feet were also entangled in an act of affection, nuzzling against one-another in such bliss that the two wondered how they could lie still when such happiness flowed between them.

“Ah?” Pyana suddenly spoke up, drawing Lurella to look over at her. She raised her hand up and made a gesture as if flipping a switch.

“You want me to turn it off?” This was answered with a frantic shaking of the head, as if her life would end if this display came to a stop. Pyana then pointed toward herself, then followed up by flipping the invisible switch upward. “Oh! You're wondering how you're supposed to turn it on when the only way to activate it is concealed in the dome, correct?” At this Pyana nodded eagerly with the hopes of enjoying this site while Lurella was away, or working on her crafting beneath the bed.

“You can't.” Lurella spoke in a rather pompous tone as she raised her nose to the stars. “Only I can turn it on.” The ceasing of affection upon her hand and feet told Lurella that she was seconds away from utter destruction. “I-If you want me to turn it on, you'll have to make sure I don't stay up too late.” She said as she pointed down to the desk where she would waste much of her sleeping time crafting items before crashing when most human folk were awake.

“Hehe~” Pyana giggled as she sprang up to her knees, pumping her fists and eagerly accepting the challenge. It was her job as Lurella's caretaker to ensure that the princess was well fed and well rested. She was up to the challenge of combating her sweetheart's nocturnal urges, and knew just the weapon she could use.

Once Pyana calmed down, Lurella was certain that the two would go back to simply enjoying the company of one another and lying under the stars. Little did she know that the moment she let her guard down, her fate would be sealed.

The gentle eyes of the young princess drew shut, surrounding her in darkness, only to thrust open when a sudden movement was detected. She received quite a startle as a grinning face suddenly came into her field of vision, releasing an ecstatic cheer. “EEHE~!” She knew immediately what was to happen, and that it was all over for her.

This was finished as early as Oct. 25, but I wanted to wait until after Tsu's birthday to post it.

I feel like I haven't done a thing involving Pya and Lulu with genuine romance between them in a long time. I found out that come next July the two will have been an item for five years. Definitely gonna have to do something special for that, but until then here's a cute little thing about the two of them dating.

Also I feel like I should some day commission some Game Grumps style OC heads that I can use as a logo to signify which characters are featured in each of my stories. Sounds like a fun idea.

Also, to give my wonderful readers an idea of what the new bed area looks like.…

Lurella Atelier, Pyana Apimana, Tsu-maru Annaii © :iconrlinksoul:
© 2014 - 2024 RLinksoul
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